Meet our colleagues from HC Center in Slovenia 



As you may have heard, Mainstream has signed a contract for the purchase of a portion of the ownership stake in HC Center in Slovenia and is currently in the process of obtaining concentration approval from all relevant competition authorities. This move is part of an exciting growth journey across Southeast Europe that includes expansion through synergy creation and partnerships. 

To delve deeper into this journey, we spoke with Aleksej Kranjec, CEO of HC Center and their CTO Robert Puh. They shared with us their digital transformation vision and how we how we can leverage our strengths to drive end-to-end IT modernisation.  

1. How would you describe the development path of HC Center from the founding of the company to the present day?

Aleksej: HC Center started with a clear mission to provide innovative IT solutions tailored to the needs of Slovenian businesses. From the beginning, we focused on building strong relationships with our clients and partners, helping them manage their digital infrastructure efficiently. Over the years, we’ve grown steadily, expanding our services to include cloud computing, data management, and digital transformation. We’ve always prioritized adaptability and ensured we stay ahead of industry trends to offer cutting-edge solutions.

Robert: Technologically, HC Center has always been focused on delivering robust and reliable infrastructure. From early on, we invested in advanced technologies that allowed us to offer high-performance and secure systems. Our growth has been driven by a combination of technological innovation and a relentless focus on quality and customer satisfaction. We’ve built a solid foundation for the future, especially with the HC Cloud, which positions us as a technology leader in cloud solutions in Slovenia.

2. What is your core business, and how do you differ from other providers of the same solutions in Slovenia?

Aleksej: Our core business centres around providing IT infrastructure, cloud services, digital transformation and cybersecurity solutions . What sets us apart from other providers in Slovenia is our approach to customer relationships. We don’t just offer a product; we provide end-to-end solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of each client. Our flexibility and hands-on support make a huge difference for businesses looking for personalized service.

Robert: From a technological standpoint, we offer features like synchronous replication in our HC Cloud, which ensures data is continuously mirrored for maximum uptime. Many providers focus solely on technology, but we emphasize both the technology and the human aspect. We understand that IT systems are only as strong as the people who design, implement, and maintain them, and that’s where we shine. Our technical expertise is second to none, and our focus on high reliability and security gives us an edge.

3. How many people are currently employed at HC Center and what are all the technical positions in the company?

Robert: We currently have seven employees, most of whom are in technical roles such as IT architects, system administrators, and cybersecurity specialists. Each position plays a vital role in delivering our services and ensures our infrastructure is both cutting-edge and reliable. We also offer strong support and service management, ensuring that our clients get the best possible outcomes from their IT investments.

4. What is your view and vision of digital transformation in Slovenia, and how do you help companies overcome challenges in adopting new solutions and improving their business with new technologies?

Aleksej: Slovenia is gradually embracing digital transformation, and I believe the potential here is vast. Many companies are still cautious about adopting new technologies, but we help them understand that digital transformation is not just a trend; it’s essential for staying competitive. We guide our clients through the process, helping them adopt new solutions in a way that feels manageable and aligned with their goals. It’s about showing them how technology can enhance their business operations, from improving efficiency to driving innovation.

Robert: From a technology perspective, the biggest challenge for companies is often integration of new systems with their existing infrastructure. That’s where we come in, offering solutions that are scalable and compatible with their current setup. We help businesses make the shift to modern technology without disruption. Our technical expertise ensures that our clients can focus on their core business while we handle the complexity of their IT transformation.

5. Can you tell us a little more about HC Cloud, when it was created, how you decided to launch it, what is specific (e.g., synchronous replication)? Also, do you notice a scattered demand for cloud solutions in Slovenia?

Robert: HC Cloud was launched in 2009 in response to the growing need for flexible and secure cloud solutions in Slovenia. We realized early on that businesses wanted more control over their data without the need to manage complex infrastructure. What makes HC Cloud unique is its synchronous replication between two locations, which ensures continuous data availability, even in the event of a complete datacenter failure. This feature gives our clients peace of mind, knowing their data is secure and always accessible.

Aleksej: We’ve noticed a growing interest in cloud solutions, although it’s somewhat scattered. Some of the businesses have been quicker to adopt cloud technology, and we’re seeing more and more small and medium-sized businesses recognizing the benefits as well. We’ve positioned ourselves to meet this demand with scalable solutions that can grow with our clients’ needs.

6. Why did you decide to join forces with Mainstream?

Aleksej: The decision to join forces with Mainstream was driven by a shared vision of growth and the opportunity to complement each other’s strengths. Mainstream specializes in cloud solutions, particularly offering platforms like their own cloud, Azure, and AWS in the region. By partnering, we can offer a more extensive range of services. Mainstream’s cloud expertise perfectly aligns with our broader IT infrastructure, digital transformation, cybersecurity, and MSP solutions, creating a complete offering for our clients.

Robert: Technologically, it’s a great match. Mainstream has deep experience with cloud platforms and managed services, which enhances our already strong portfolio. Together, we can offer businesses in Slovenia the full range of cloud options—from private to public clouds—while also providing the necessary infrastructure and security to support their digital transformations.

7. What would you state as the main common values of HC Center and Mainstream, and how do our companies complement each other (e.g., complementary expertise, focus on digitalization and cloud)?

Aleksej: HC Center and Mainstream both value innovation, client success, and long-term partnerships. We share a strong focus on delivering tailored IT solutions that help businesses succeed in their digital journeys. Mainstream brings extensive cloud expertise, while we offer a comprehensive suite of services that include cloud, IT infrastructure, cybersecurity, and managed services. Together, we provide a complete solution for companies looking to modernize their IT operations.

Robert: From a technical point of view, our companies complement each other perfectly. Mainstream’s expertise in cloud services, particularly with Azure, AWS, and their own cloud solutions, enhances our ability to offer a more complete set of cloud services to our clients. At the same time, we bring strength in infrastructure design, cybersecurity, and digital transformation—areas where Mainstream doesn’t have a major presence. This combination allows us to meet the full spectrum of client needs.

8. In what direction would you like the cooperation between HC Center and Mainstream to develop in the coming period? Have you set any goals, and how do you see your roles in creating our joint success?

Aleksej: We see this cooperation evolving into a major partnership that will drive innovation and growth, not only for our companies but for our clients as well. Our goal is to expand our joint offerings, particularly in cloud solutions, digital transformation, and managed services, to become the go-to IT partner in Slovenia and the wider region. I see my role as continuing to drive sales and marketing efforts, ensuring that our clients understand the full value of our combined services.

Robert: On the technical side, we aim  to enhance the scalability and reliability of our services, offering even more advanced cloud and infrastructure solutions. My role will be to continue leading our technical teams in creating innovative, secure, and high-performance solutions that support our clients’ business goals. Together, HC Center and Mainstream can drive the future of IT services in the region.

Thanks a bunch, Aleksej and Robert. To all of you reading this, stay tuned for more updates as we starting this journey together with HC Center. 

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