Mainstream is the largest provider of innovative cloud solutions and managed hosting services with a network of 8+ data centers in Southeast Europe.

Since 2005, we have been collaborating with companies from a wide variety of industries which we provide support for the implementation of end-to-end delivery pipelines, creation and management of modern cloud infrastructure, automation, monitoring and optimization. Our DevOps long experience doesn’t mean that we stick to old technologies and principles. Instead, we are constantly upgrading our knowledge and competencies to help our clients stay one step ahead of the competition in software delivery.
Our consultants will analyze your applications, infrastructure and processes to detect potential organizational silos, key performance indicators and opportunities for improvement. Based on this data, we will create a DevOps roadmap to achieve the desired results.
In collaboration with your development teams, we will design and implement the infrastructure for hosting your applications in the cloud with a focus on specific development and production requirements, and create a delivery pipeline in accordance with the latest DevOps practices.
Our motto is "continuous everything". We are here to support you in all phases of a DevOps operation, from continuous improvements to capacity and cost optimization to monitoring, analytics and resolving ad-hoc issues.
Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure
Jenikins X, Tekton, Travis, Code Pipeline
Kubernetes, Docker, Docker Swarm, LXC
Git, Github, Bitbucket
Terraform, Ansimble
Prometheus, Loki, Grafana, CloudWatch, Nagios
Primena najboljih CI/CD praksi je ključna za održavanje produktivnosti inženjerskih timova i bržu isporuku novih funkcionalnosti. Naši DevOps eksperti pomoći će vam da automatizujete repetativne zadatke, uključujući build, test i deploy, omogućite pravovremeno otkrivanje bagova i unapredite svoje development procese.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) omogućava development i operations timovima da automatizuju provizionisanje, deployment i upravljanje infrastrukturnim resursima. Mainstream eksperti će vam pomoći da ga primenite uz korišćenje vodećeg IaC alata, Terraforma.
Mikroservisi donose niz prednosti: brži razvoj, jednostavniju implementaciju izmena i novih funkcionalnosti i automatizaciju kroz DevOps i DevSecOps tehnologije. Uz iskustvo rada na raznovrsnim projektima modernizacije aplikacija, tu smo vas podržimo u procesu tranzicije sa monolitne na mikroservisnu arhitekturu.
Pored automatizacije zadataka, DevOps orkestracija optimizuje procese za brži deployment. Naš pristup orkestraciji zasniva se na korišćenju dokazanih alata, kao što je Kubernetes, kao i detaljnoj analizi vaših sistema, procesa i izazova prilikom puštanja softvera u produkciju.
Ensure business continuity, security, reliability and stability of your cloud infrastructure.
Find out moreEliminate the complexity of setup, installation and configuration of Kubernetes and additional automation tools.
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