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About Mainstream
About Mainstream
Learn more about our company, operations and expertise.
Mainstream infrastructure
Explore the Mainstream data center ecosystem in SE Europe.
Cloud services
Mainstream Cloud Platform
Improve the performance, availability, security and cost efficiency of your mission-critical applications.
Managed hosting
Ensure top availability and performance of your web applications at all times.
Managed Cloud
Transfer your systems and apps to the cloud and free yourself from worrying about the infrastructure with expert support.
Back up as a service
Be sure that your valuable company data and services will always be available.
Cloud cost optimization
Reduce the cost of using resources on AWS, Azure or GCP cloud with Spot by NetApp solution.
Disaster Recovery
Make the leap from traditional to a personalized, flexible Disaster Recovery solution in the cloud.
Mainstream Cloud Files
Protect business data without the cost of purchasing and managing storage systems.
Managed File Transfer
Provide automated and secure transfer of a large amount of business data with an advanced MFT solution.
Public Cloud
Google Cloud
Rely on certified Google Cloud experts for planning, implementation and management of cloud infrastructure.
360 CloudOps services
Consolidate accounts, reduce costs and provide continuous expert support for your infrastructure on AWS or Azure.
Cloud reselling services
Ensure instant and constant access to public cloud services without unnecessary costs and disruptions.
Transform your business with a well-planned migration process and full support for cloud infrastructure management.
Azure migration
Managed Azure
Make the most of the AWS cloud platform possibilities with the support of certified AWS experts.
Managed AWS
AWS migration
Application services
DevOps operations
Ensure business continuity, security, reliability and stability of your cloud infrastructure.
DevOps implementation
Accelerate innovation and shorten app and service delivery time with end-to-end support for DevOps implementation.
Eliminate the complexity of setup, installation and configuration of Kubernetes and additional automation tools.
Banking services
Mainstream banking cloud
Migrate and modernize your IT infrastructure and banking apps to a cloud environment adapted to the requirements of the FSI sector.
Banking applications support
Improve the monitoring, availability and performance of your banking applications.
Banking operations services
Free yourself from worrying about monitoring and solving problems in the operation of critical business applications.
Banking Disaster recovery
Reduce business risk, insure regulatory compliance.
Consulting Services
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Eliminate repetitive manual processes with our RPA services.
Power BI
Data is everywhere. We are here to help you create value from them with Mainstream Power BI services.
Data governance
Improve business decision-making, ensure legal compliance, and reduce the risk of data loss, financial, and reputational damage.
Data Analytics Strategy
Every data-driven transformation starts with a good strategy. We are here to implement it.
Business continuity consulting
Protect your IT systems and your business from risks.
Oracle database services
Enhance your Oracle database performance, availability and reliability.
Our clients
About Mainstream
About Mainstream
Saznajte više o našoj kompaniji, poslovanju i ekspertizi.
Our team
Upoznajte naš menadžment, biznis i cloud eksperte.
Mainstream infrastructure
Istražite Mainstream data centar ekosistem u Jugoistočnoj Evropi.
Our clients
Contact us
Cloud services
Public Cloud
Application services
Banking services
Consulting Services
Mainstream Cloud Platform
Unapredite performanse, dostupnost, bezbednost i troškovnu efikasnost svojih mission-critical aplikacija.
Managed Cloud
Prebacite svoje sisteme i aplikacije na cloud i oslobodite se brige o infrastrukturi uz ekspertsku podršku.
Managed hosting
Osigurajte vrhunsku dostupnost i performantnost svojih web aplikacija u svakom trenutku.
Cloud cost optimization
Smanjite troškove korišćenja resursa na AWS, Azure ili GCP cloud-u uz Spot by NetApp rešenje.
Disaster Recovery
Napravite iskorak sa tradicionalnog na personalizovano, fleksibilno Disaster Recovery rešenje u cloud-u.
Back up as a service
Budite sigurni da će vaši vredni kompanijski podaci i servisi biti uvek dostupni.
Mainstream Cloud Files
Zaštiite poslovne podatke bez troškova kupovine i upravljanja storage sistemima.
Managed File Transfer
Obezbedite automatizovan i siguran prenos velike količine poslovnih podataka uz napredno MFT rešenje.
Maksimalno iskoristite mogućnosti AWS cloud platforme uz podršku sertifikovanih AWS eksperata.
Transformišite svoj biznis uz dobro isplaniran proces migraciju i kompletnu podršku za upravljanje cloud infrastrukturom.
Google Cloud
Oslonite se na sertifikovane Google Cloud stručnjake za planiranje, implementaciju i menadžment cloud infrastrukture.
360 CloudOps services
Konsolidujte racune, smanjite troskove i obezbedite neprekidnu ekspertsku podrsku za svoju infrastrukturu na AWS-u ili Azure-u.
Cloud reselling services
Osigurate momentalan i konstantan pristup servisima na public cloud-u, bez suvisnih troskova i prekida u radu.
Managed AWS
AWS migration
Managed Azure
Azure migration
DevOps operations
Osigurajte poslovni kontinuitet, bezbednost, pouzdanost i stabilnost svoje cloud infrastrukture.
DevOps implementation
Ubrzajte inovaciju i skratite vreme isporuke aplikacija i servisa uz end-to-end podršku za DevOps implementaciju.
Eliminišite kompleksnost setupa, instalacije i konfiguracije Kubernetesa i dodatnih alata za automatizaciju.
Mainstream banking cloud
Migrirajte i modernizujte svoju IT infrastrukturu i bankarske aplikacije na cloud okruženje prilagođeno zahtevima FSI sektora.
Banking applications support
Unapredite monitoring, dostupnost i performanse sojih bankarskih aplikacija.
Banking operations services
Oslobodite se brige oko monitoringa i resavanja problema u radu kriticnih business aplikacija.
Banking Disaster recovery
Smanjite poslovni rizik, osigurate regulatornu uskladenost.
Power BI
Podaci su svuda. Tu smo da vam pomognemo da iz njih stvorite vrednost uz Mainstream Power BI usluge.
Business continuity consulting
Zaštitite svoje IT sisteme i svoje poslovanje od rizika.
Data Analytics Strategy
Svaka data-driven transformacija počinje dobrom strategijom. Tu smo da je implentiramo.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Eliminišite repetativne manuelne procese uz naše RPA usluge.
Data governance
Unapredite poslovno odlučivanje, obezbedite zakonsku usklađenost i smanjite rizik od gubitka podatka, finansijske i reputacione štete.
Oracle database services
Unapredite performanse, dostupnost i pouzdanost Oracle baza podataka.
Contact us
Digital transformation
Cloud 101
Cloud costs
Google Cloud