Five Predictions Expected in the Field of Cloud Technologies in 2022

Katarina Marinković


The use of cloud technologies in all its forms continues to rise. However, in 2020, along with the focus on cloud adoption, an even greater shift is expected towards cost optimization of these services, as well as towards hybrid cloud-based data transformation and analytics models.

From multi-cloud infrastructure to hybrid data platforms, you can read below what trends in the field of cloud computing we can expect next year.

1. Cloud-to-cloud migration

Gartner predicts that global public cloud use will increase by almost 22% in 2022 compared to 2021. The growing need for scalability, as well as financial aspects, will lead companies to migrate their data warehousing and online transaction processing (OLTP) systems, web applications and cloud analytics. Many of them will prepare for application migration by containerizing on-premises data processing applications.

Organizations already using multi-cloud and hybrid deployment models will focus on the portability of analytics applications – the possibility to switch from one cloud service provider to another to take advantage of specific benefits and optimize costs. Regarding that…

2. Hybrid models are here to stay, with a focus on cloud analytics

Hybrid solutions are not – as Oliver Schabenberger, Chief Innovation Office, SingleStore – noted, compromise between the two approaches, but a combination of their strengths. Over time, numerous models of this concept have stood out, including outside the world of technology, such as hybrid cars and the so-called “blended office” model, which means a combination of work from the office and from home. When we talk about the cloud, Schanenberger believes that business leaders will discover the potential of hybrid models in cloud analytics.

To support the migration of analytics to the cloud, businesses will have to face challenges – introducing change and educating internal teams to use new technologies and processes. At the same time, they will need cloud transformation partners who will provide the necessary expertise to improve and reduce the risk of the transition process.

3. Hybrid work environment and virtual desktop concept

A similar line of hybrid approach is workplace virtualization. This trend was accelerated by the Covid 19 pandemic. With lockdowns and the transition to work from home, the limitations related to the dependence on physical hardware have become obvious, from the aspect of IT and business operations. Solutions such as virtual desktops in the form of cloud-managed services have proven effective in the new situation. Therefore, it is expected that more and more companies will opt for this delivery model in order to improve the flexibility of their work environment, their processes and employees. Addressing this topic, Gartner predicted a 150% jump in the number of desktop-as-a-service (Daas) users between 2020 and 2023. The main reason for this growth is the need to enable cost-effective, safe remote work.

4. Focus on cloud cost optimization

Speaking about the challenges of switching to new technologies, our CBDO Nikola Markovic warned: “Many have “burnt their fingers” with the cloud.” In 2020, companies spent as much as $ 17.6 billion on inactive cloud resources and resources that were overprovisioned. Cost-effectiveness is also affected by factors such as inefficient containerization, underutilized databases and non-utilization of the reserved instance. By addressing some of these elements, significant one-time or regular monthly savings can be achieved.

In the next year, a greater focus can be expected on the evaluation of investments, i.e. the application of best practices for using the cloud. How will this be implemented? Some experts, such as Leon Adato of SolarWinds, predict that companies will set up internal teams to manage cloud costs. Such teams can be made up of individuals from the IT, cloud or DevOps sectors or “dedicated” professionals. Given the large selection of cloud platforms, each of which brings various benefits, as well as the fact that the cloud can easily exceed the budget, the support of specialized partners will also be key to achieving financial advantage.

5. Multi-cloud is becoming mainstream, but challenges remain

With the increasingly universal acceptance of the cloud as a key component of the IT infrastructure, businesses will surpass the “one cloud for all” model. Experience teaches that more cloud platforms create greater complexity of management, for example different workloads in different environments, while allowing to choose cloud services that best suit the requirements of applications, availability and the business itself – business strategy.

The challenge of multicloud area will be: how to form teams that have a deep knowledge of AWS, Azure, Google Cloud and other platforms? HashiCorp conducted the “State of Cloud Strategy Survey” in which more than half (57%) of respondents pointed out that lack of knowledge is one of the main obstacles to the operationalization of multi-cloud. In 2022, organizations will need to consider how to invest in multiple cloud platforms without compromising adoption, financial viability, or security due to a lack of expertise. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is to adequately map and plan the technical capacities of teams (cloud architects, engineers, DevOps experts, managers, etc.) that together form a multi-cloud puzzle.

Keeping up with cloud trends

Year after year, the cloud stands out as an increasingly important engine of technological and business development. In 2022, the transformational role of cloud technologies will be even more significant. How companies cope with the challenges of new technology is greatly influenced by expertise for strategy development, selection of the best cloud platforms, optimization, innovation and management. The development of internal capacities is important along the way, but – you don’t have to do everything yourself. If you need support at any stage of your cloud travel, our experts are here to advise you.

Contact us.

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